Here is a space for you to post all your predictions, observations, and ideas relating to Calendar Math. Remember, posting is part of your class participation grade, so try to post at least once this month.
Posted by
M. Ells Perry
9/10/2007 05:16:00 AM
on 9/12/07 the calendar will be a blue rectangle on its side.
on the calender every fith number a yellow circle comes up.
the pattren is red,blue,red,blue...
9/13/07 is going to be a red square with a yellow dot
i think9/13/07 is going to be a red square.
Tomorrow Is going tobe a red sqare
on the calender, i think the pattern is red blue red blue
I gess that there will be a red square on the 15th.
i think that the girls will catch up with the should be 50/50 because there is one of each.
i think the boys will win on the daily graph because every time the boys pick it seems to be a blue
I saw that the boys are alot ahead of the girls
i think that there will be a blue rectangle that will be right side up without a yellow dot,on 22nd of september.
how many days does a yellow dot come.
I think the red will win the daily graph.
on the 18th day of scool it is going to be a blue rectangle upwards.
I think that the red will cacth up with the blue won because all of us get to pick 15 times.
I think that the red will catch up to the blue.
I think that calender math is awesome! Plus i think that the pattern is red square blue rectangle and sometimes with a tiny yellow circle on the red square.
Will the red cech up to the bule.
I think every red will be a sqaure and every blue will be a rectangle
I think the red squares will catch up with the blue squares
Why do the stars twincal at knight.
I think by the end of the month the counting tape will have 20 heats under it. And I think by the end of the mounth it will be a red square.
i think there will be a red square tomorow
the daly graph the red mightcach up with the blue the girls are the red theres a 50% 50%
Do you help with the different shapes for calender math
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