Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's the Last Day of School! What are YOUR Summer Plans??

Students counted down the days and now here we are - the last day of school. Mrs. Perry doesn't have any big fancy travel plans... just finish moving my classroom to Huntingtown Elementary.

I do plan on spending lots and lots of time out on the farm working with my big draft horse Rienzi. I've told many of you that she's named after a very famous Rienzi, der Letzte der Tribunen (WWV 49). Translated into English, this early opera by Richard Wagner is Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes. And yes, I am perfectly aware that Rienzi was a Roman Tribune and a boy, but Mr. Perry and I felt that such a big impressive horse should be named after a heavy, big musical work. You can visit NPR's music site and listen to musical excerpts of the opera that Rienzi is named after.

Okay, back to summer plans... below are some pictures of Ren. I hope to ride her and teach her all sorts of things over the summer like how to lay down when asked to pick me up for a ride. She's too big to jump up on!

Okay... so what are YOUR summer plans??? How do you plan on spending YOUR June, July, and August? Here is where you can post what you PLAN to do over summer. Then, on one of those rainy summer days, you can come back and visit the blog to post about what you actually DID over the summer! I plan on updating the blog with what I do as well. Remember to leave out personal information that could be unsafe - street addresses, phone numbers, last names, etc... as you know, general information is best. Blog your way into fifth grade!

Take care, and have a wonderful summer! :)